Who Let the Bulls Out!
May 25, 2009
Saturday night’s performance of the PBR gave all the bang for the buck! This year’s performance packed a little something extra for Wise County fans, as JW Hart gave his farewell retirement ride, and the addition of the up-and-coming young bull riders.
Now the cool thing for a photographer shooting this event, is the fact that you get to shoot from the middle of the arena in the “shark cage”, (you know that thing that the bullfighters use to get away from the Bulls). It’s great right up until the time that one of these pick up sized chunk of an animal Decides he wants to come in also. I could’ve used a fresh change of underwear about halfway through, as one of these big boys was chasing the little guy with paint on his face, and dragging a 30 foot rope as his tail. Now if seeing this big fellow traveling at what looked like light speed at the time, and about 18 inches away wasn’t enough, you can imagine the thrill when this 30 foot rope flung itself through the cage slapping skin and camera gear.