September 3, 2009
After eight volleyball games in five hours I now know what the inside of a pinball machine feels like now. My head is still turning from side to side trying to find that little white ball. Tuesday night was volleyball night at Decatur High School and had two Wise County teams there (Decatur and Paradise) along with a team from Aubrey, Texas.
It actually worked out pretty well, having several teams playing several games in one spot. I was able to get all of my stock shots for the season, (these are the ones you use on away games, or when something breaks, news wise and nobody’s able to make it) and with that many games you can set up lights, and if the ref doesn’t say anything, (It helps if you set them up pointing away from the crowd, and REF’s as much as possible) you’re home free. The biggie for me is always trying to get my timing back and shed the end of summer blues at the beginning of the school year, and fall sport season. Tuesday night definitely took care of that. Was also able to work in a little audio recording in between games for a end of the season slideshow I’m working on.
For the lighting scenario, use three SB900’s set to 1/4 manual power, one was pointed to each side of the net, set at maximum narrow beam, the one in the middle was set to maximum wide light. They were all triggered by pocket Wizards, set up to trigger them in sequence. This is still not going to give you enough recycle time to keep up with a D3, but on the average, I got four frames of light out of a six round burst. 80-200 Lens, a 250th at F4, ISO 800.
Got several keepers for my sports favorites folder check out the Flickr slideshow.
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.