February 14, 2012

Our recent snowfall was the catalyst for a pre-dawn tour of the Wise County area.  My assistant was with me as we sought an unusual image to share with all of you.  Just after daybreak she encouraged me more than once to head out to Black Creek Lake.  My mind was whirling with other photographic possibilities, so I continued to ignore her idea.  After a couple of hours I finally agreed to venture that direction.  Once or twice along the way I commented “there’s no need to go out there, the rain has interfered with the snow and we won’t find a shot there”.   The thin layer of snow had created a wonderland of beauty and quiet along CR 2360 that also seemed to settle in and around us as we negotiated the hills and curves.  

Upon entering the park, a group of young deer grazing at the edge of the roadway darted out of eye range and left me wishing I’d driven slower so as not to scare them off.  Just as I began to realize why she wanted to visit this area on this particular morning, she became animated and jumping up and down in her seat exclaimed “Look-look, the turkeys! Grab your camera”!  A prolific flock of wild turkeys were high stepping across the road about 60 yards in front of us making a beeline for the woods.  My fumbling around interfered with getting a great shot and just when I started kicking myself, BINGO!  The tom turkeys appeared in their natural splendor and strutted across the road as though the park belonged to them.  At that moment, two mercury red cardinals flew over them and landed on a tree branch just at the edge of the woods.

At every turn we were being cajoled by Mother Nature to slow down and enjoy “the now”.  This moment, this now, this time is the one to live fully.  We cannot retrieve yesterday, tomorrow has not arrived, the only moment you can truly live is the one you are in.  How many times have I failed to recognize this profound thought?  How often do I find myself hurrying through today, being regretful of yesterday and worried about tomorrow?  The time to be is now. 

