The naked truth….

August 6, 2009

…. Is if you show nudity (or implied in this case) in a photo, you will have a captive audience!


On occasion, have done a couple of features at this camp of nudist, have you ever tried to show nudity without nudity? Wide open apertures, and natural cover. This was for a feature on a 5K run at a nudist site.  Talk about a mental workout, try to tell the story and leave the junk out.


That’s the great thing about newspaper photography, the diversity of shoots and the challenge of showing something different. (no phun, jusphophun)


Well how about the national skinny dipping day? Less abstract than the last one, but you get the  message!

Could’ve done a little more on this one, and in fact did, but as it turned out, they were  borderline risqué  for my publication.

Great group of people At Wildwood, they were always up for anything to help get the shot.

Ah, its a great country we live in, when you are free to express yourself as you wish.  I don’t  necessarily agree, but I do think it’s great to live in a place where I have the option.
