Sleepless in Seattle
July 26, 2008
Traveling for me yields a great power, it feels the senses with new and fresh visuals all around. I have a hard time sleeping when I go to a new town or city simply because of all the things to see and do.While on a trip to one of my favorite Cities Seattle, not being able to sleep. I pick up the camera, and began walking. I’ve been looking at the space needle for the previous two days in the daylight and couldn’t figure out how to lose all the distractions. Answer, shooting at night. Problem, it’s been done a million times, what can I do different? Answer, a zoom time exposure. One of my favorite photos of all times comes from right above my hotel on any tabletop Bogen tripod. This was one of about 40 shots that worked. Nikon d3, 105mm lens, 1 second,f4,