Sky Sparklers!

June 14, 2009


Oh yea, just about that time again!  Shooting fireworks can be really rewarding, and frustrating at the same time (especially if you don’t like tripods, and I do not.)  The challange comes in getting a good shutters peed ISO combo going. I generally shoot between 1/8 shutter speed and a 30th of a second, at 400 ISO.


The problem with slower shutter speeds is you get the trail off off the fireworks like this shot, and if that’s what your going for, (as I was here, for the desired down home effect) works great.  Added a -3 TTL fill flash on this one, just enough to open up the flag and fence a little.

The top photo had enough light to give me a 45th at f5, which gave very sharp trails.


With all the parades and events going on in the heat, don’t forget the candid’s, and drink a lot of water. (Ok I had to have some way to tie in the cool water shot)


If you can get the timing down, sometimes a daylight shot works, this was one of about 80 frames.
