Road Wise!

June 27, 2009


Cliff Dwellers, Nevada

Maybe, road weary might be a better term.  So it’s been a few days away from the blog, but covering four states, 1800 miles, six national parks, hiking, biking, and meeting people, not much time left for anything else.  Travel photography is a great passion, it’s also very frustrating as well as immensely self gratifying,


The frustrating part is the fact that when you’re covering this much ground in such a short amount of time, very seldom will you be in the right place at the right time, light wise that is.  Such is the case with the above photo at the highest peak of the North rim of the Grand Canyon. Not that I believe any photo could ever come close to bringing the beauty of such a natural wonder to life, but we still keep trying.  This particular day the sunset was not quite how I had imagined it to be, so, enjoy, take a self portrait, and kick back.


Horseshoe Bend, Page, Arizona

Again such was the case here, the light was harsh and nothing that I had imagined, but in this case , the sheer beauty of the subject and the 16mm fisheye carried the weight.


Rainbow Bridge, Glen Canyon Lake, Utah

Again, harsh midday light.  So I tried to use little fill flash to give somewhat of a contrast, and with the help of the clouds worked out very nicely!


Lower Antelope Point, Page, Utah

Every once in a while, the photo gods smile upon you, the light is good, the subject is great, and presto, magic is made.

Now by no means do I consider myself a great travel photographer, and most of what I do is for myself.  I think the reason that it’s important for me to shoot this, is the amount of information and the fullness I get from the subject, through the lens.  As far as travel itself, I don’t think there is any substitute for the amount of freshness it puts back in your work, but I’m  going to leave that last thought to somebody who puts it far more eloquently than I ever could.


Comments (3)

Mike McManus

June 28, 2009 by Mike McManus

Nice pics of the classic sites. Makes me real jealous, well maybe not, your missing out on this nice 103 deg. heat we are having. Have fun.


July 2, 2009 by joe

Thanks Mike, yea I subbed the 103 with 108,bright move huh?


July 6, 2009 by Marissa

These pictures are beautiful!

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