Reunion learning!

July 23, 2009


Wednesday nights of the Wise County Reunion Is reserved for the up-and-coming photog’s of Wise Coumty. Jeanette Ward’s 4-Hr’s bring out their cameras, and a ton of enthusiasm.


This year’s theme was motion blur, and ghosting.


The great thing about teaching kids, is the fact that they have no  problem asking questions, there’s no pretending to know, maybe that’s why they learn so fast. Although at times it can be very challenging explaining the technical stuff in a format that they can understand, but once they get it, it’s there for good.

More reunion on the way!

Comments (2)

Jeannette Ward

July 24, 2009 by Jeannette Ward

Thanks again Joe for doing this again this year. No one can excite these up and coming pgotographers like you can. Keep up the great work!


July 29, 2009 by joe

Thanks mam, I always learn as much as they do, I enjoy it much.

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