Remembering, Wise County style

September 11, 2012


911, I still remember where I was when the planes crashed into the towers, it’s just one of those things you never forget.

I wasn’t working for the Messenger behind the lens at the time, but was still no less impacted.  I felt for the victims caught up in the tragedy of a tragedy wondering about the faimlies and loved ones that were unaccounted for.

One year later covered the anniversary of the event that shook a nation, it was felt from coast to coast and in the middle was Wise County America. The emotion that was evoked one year later was so moving I cant imagine being anywhere close to ground zero and the tragedy.


Today I got the feeling that so many people had either forgotten, weren’t old enough to remember, or have just chosen to put it on the back burner because of the dramaticness of the subject. None of us want to think of the pain of yesterday and surely not celebrate, however, remembering the ones and events that shape our country is always important in life.

From moments
