Reflections of 2012

December 31, 2012

“The past is behind, learn from it. The future is ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.”

Thomas S. Monson


As I go back through the images I’ve captured in 2012, I reflect on the positives and negatives of the year, as well as ways I can improve on things in the upcoming year.  I contemplate with appreciation, what I have gained from the previous year whether personally, professionally,  mentally, emotionally or spiritually.


Recently, as I was shooting the Veterans Christmas Wreath Ceremony, I was approached by Rosa Martinez, an older resident of Deatur who has the most heart warming smile and great outlook on life.  I remember seeing her several times at various ceremonies over the years, as she is married to a local veteran. Mrs. Martinez complimented me several times on my work in Wise County and thanked me for what I do here.  As I thought about her words, I was reminded of the things I hold most sacred, the things that make a difference in my life as well as the lives of others.  Those things are the relationships and the connections that I have formed with so many of my story subjects.  The great shots come and go, awards come and go, but I’ve come to realize that the relationships I’ve formed are here forever.  I believe that one of the most cherished parts of what I do at the Wise County Messenger is to form new relationships and continue to nurture the old ones.



My goal for the upcoming year is to re-establish some of those relationships created from past stories that I have been a part of.  I’ve been very fortunate to  be in a community that surrounds me like a warm blanket on a cool night.  I have been taken into the hearts and lives of so many as they shared their stories and experiences with me and allow me to share them with our readers.  I thank you Wise County.

From moments collection
