Photo Random!
September 4, 2009
Okay so decided to borrow from the Brain child, and do a random morning photo thoughts!
• What’s up with those bright orange water jugs at all volleyball and basketball events, that are always placed in the perfect wrong spot. There almost as great as the back of the ref’s head in a photo, or a high line right in the middle of a perfect landscape.
• Can I make it all the way through this without adding a photo?
• What’s up with this new HDR look? Do I like it?
• Wonder when the new D4 will hit? Got to be soon to stay in the big dslr super war.
• Wonder if I can get in to do a portrait of Obama for Tuesday thing? Prob not.
• What am I going to say in blog tomorrow?
• At the rate things are moving, how will we create images tomorrow? Maybe thinking a image and teleporting to destination!
• Am I wasting my time with this? Does anybody actually read all this stuff?
• Starving, time to go eat, hey I can finish this on my Iphone, no downtime! But isn’t downtime important in a creative atmoshphere?
• Every body in office has earphones in, total non-interreaction, don’t know if I like it or not. Kinda cool.
• My computer has got to be slowing down if I’m having to wait on it, as slow as I work.
• Wonder who I can get to shoot the thing while I’m gone to Oregon?
• I wonder how much energy I’m expending today on this, how does Barry find time to do this everyday?
• What is the big hype about the Obama school thing, so much about nothing? Guess it depends where you stand.
• Got to get caught up today early to concentrate on football tonight! Maybe if I’m a little better prepared this week, I can get done before 3 a.m.