Nothing like Home
June 7, 2011
Home plate that is! Getting a close call at the plate is a winner in any game. This one comes from a few years ago while stringing for a startup wire service.
Not much on remotes, but they’re so easy to set up on high school games, really nice being in two places at once! I prefer the high school games over the pros due to the laid back nature and the kids all playing to get to the bigs.
Now the real action and jube comes in the little guys, when they play there’s no thought of anything but the game at hand. No big contracts to negotiate, no cars yet, no girls, just all baseball. That brings us up to last Friday night at Boyd, Texas for the playoff game between Decatur and Alvord twelve year olds.
I rolled up late (first no-no in sports) due to graduation across town. The photo gods were with me because this shot came five minutes later. Seeing the bases loaded, I eased through the lawn chairs and parents, set down stuck lens through the fence and…bingo!
There are a few other dramatic shots in baseball, but from the pros to little league home plate tells the story!