New York wrap up

June 27, 2011

So Saturday  proved to be a visual feast as I walked for eight hours consuming all that captured my attention using a combination of the new and old tools. Found myself walking in little Italy that night at 3200 iso and a 24 f1.4 on a D3s no light was impossible!

Earlier in the day I spent some time on the Hiline, ( an old train track made into a overhead walkway )  Shot with the 28-300 all day at Iso 800 for max depth of field, the graphics of a lower world took over!

Finished out the weekend with a trip to Coney island, totally awesome day for shooting with the clouds rolling in and out, kinda hot according to some but being from Texas, all I could say is “really.”

Closed with a trip to the New York Aquarium at ISO 5000.

What a amazing trip. I met more people here in a week than I normally would in a year, saw New York City Jay’s way, reconnected with a misplaced vision, life is good. Back to the heat of Texas!
