Moment by Moment!

September 3, 2009

I think Time passes different for everybody, especially think photographers, and visual artist do not live in real time at all, (whatever real-time might be) or immersed in it to the hilt! For myself, I can go days without a really fulfilling moment behind the lens, and then all the sudden, a really cool one will come along, or several in a row. Most of the time these will come anywhere between 1/60-1000 of a second, so I guess you could call it a milli-moment.

Moment shot can be anything, a great face, the sunlight shining through a leaf to expose all of its tributaries, or a great family moment, one thing is for sure, it is just that, a moment, and if you blink, it’s gone. The flip side of that, if it stayed around forever, it wouldn’t be a moment, and there wouldn’t be a point to capturing it!

Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

These are a few of my favorite moment shots over the last eight years. Just had a thought, there’s roughly three hundred shots in this group,now I haven’t done the math, but if you add all these up, even at a 60th of a second, thats less than five seconds of life scatterd out over eight years.
