Loss of a friend!

November 25, 2008

Jerry Nicholas passed on today, good friend, lover of life, lover of family.

You know the great thing about Jerry, quite possibly could be the way that he handled adversity, and the way that everybody surrounding him handled adversity. I received a call about seven years ago from Anna Nicholas Jerry’s wife, who said she wanted to do a portrait of her family after Jerry had lost his leg. Although I found this a little peculiar at the time not knowing the family very well, I was willing to oblige, and agreed. Now to look at this photo you may not think there’s much to it, but for someone to allow their self to be photographed as a one legged pirate after just losing their leg was pretty phenomenal to me, I think that has to say a lot about their character.

I’m not sure who the real hero in this deal was, for although Jerry suffered for seven years, Anna always was so supportive of him, for instance when he lost all his hair due to chemotherapy she decided to shave her head too.

Not sure if it was  Anna  or Jerry who came up with these ideas (Easter egg heads), but one thing’s for sure I don’t think Jerry ever felt alone. From a personal standpoint I know that Jerry Nicholas will be missed, not only from a friend standpoint, but a friend of the family. I can only hope that his closest friends will learn from his life, how to endure hardship and still maintain a life and family relationship.
