Life Force!

July 3, 2009


Couldn’t think of a more appropriate photo to illistrate this point, timing is pretty good as well.  Point being,I was reading Joe Mcnally’s Hot Shoes Diary, when I stumbeled upon a phrase that was quite profound.  He was dealing with a subject in a shoot and referred to them as the lifeforce of the photo.  Never really thought about it until then, but it hit, every shot has a lifeforce in it, even if there’s not a person in it.


In the case of little Codie Boyd  in the top photo, she was definitely the lifeforce of the photo. ( This was her first time to do fireworks, she says she’s a pro now and will teach her little sister.)  In the next  photo, no person but different elements of life force in nature create the photo.

trunk or treat006.jpg

Even in this Halloween illustrative photo, no nature, no people, but lifeforce comes in the creativity of the designer of the setup.

Being a generalist shooter, I cover a wide range of topics, looking at the source of the lifeforce could just be the ticket. Thanks again Joe!

Comments (2)

Jed Boyd

July 7, 2009 by Jed Boyd

Thanks for the fun shoot. Codie and Camryn had fun, even though Cam flaked out. Its awesome what you can do with a camera.


July 7, 2009 by joe

Thanks Jed, it’s always the subject that makes the photos,and you have 2 of the best!

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