Leaving Yet Again (Guest Post)

June 29, 2011


Life sends us many different directions and really throws us for loops to teach us many different lessons. I never thought I’d see myself back in Decatur again for more than a weekend visit. I left and found a world that is fun and has big open spaces with great opportunities. I really have grown since the last time I sat in this seat. I look forward to my adventures forthcoming in life. Do not plan what you cannot see. Life will take you where it wants to go; you’re just along for the ride. I start with Apple, Inc. on Friday, I’m going from a big fish in a small pond to a small fish in a big pond. I am fortunate to be starting off my college internship with my dream company doing my dream job. I would love to tell all of you that I will spend the rest of my working career with them, but as I’ve learned you never know what is around the corner. I appreciate everything that my parents, family, friends, God, Joe and college have taught me. I will never forget where I came from and how it all started. I say goodbye and, in a positive manner, hopefully for the last time. 
