September 6, 2009
“Keep it simple stupid” a lesson I relearned again this week. Living in a red state, the Obama speech or the coming thereof of it Tuesday, has stirred up quite a controversy. A little closer to home in Wise County, the schools have made a decision not to air the speech live.
One of the reporters that I work with have decided to address the situation in a column. My job, find a piece of art!
Trying to remain totally objective, (in some situations, like this one, it can be pretty tough) I set out to get a great piece of art. I thought about it and fussed with the idea for two days. I visited four different schools, as I had an idea for a shot that I just could not get out of my mind, and was met with total resistance at each of the schools. I felt totally defeated, a feeling I’m really not used to, and one that I don’t want to get used to it!
My deadline was 5 p.m. Friday and it was now 5:10 p.m. and I had to be at another shoot at 6 p.m. and all of the sudden it hit me (the photo above) how simple does it get? It took a grand total of five minutes from the time I walked into the courthouse, walked into the courtroom, took the picture and walked out, all that ranting and raving, a total waste of energy, and then I remembered, the first words I ever learned in photography, keep it simple stupid!
I was really impressed with Evans column check it out!