Just Playing

April 12, 2021


Sometimes It’s good to shoot with no goal other than photographing that which draws your eye.That was the case this weekend at Scarborough Fair in Waxahachie, Texas. There was no Payment, no planned  output source, just go, enjoy and shoot. Physiologically that frees up my mind to just record what is there and opens the possibility of more creativity and a learning experience.

My wise, Lisa and I walked the complete venue stopping and shooting whatever compelled us for over five hours. Our only rules for ourselves was to keep it simple, no lugging strobe packs or a wagon load of equipment, just one camera and one lense. That frees you up in the fact you don’t have to think about multiple equipment options but also limits you in the harsh mid-day sun. Several of these shots I had wished for my profoto acute B’s and a light modifier but rules are rules. I chose the 70-200 with a 0.7 converter in front of my Nikon D850 since I was gonna focus on the people and given pandemic times, that would give some space to my subjects. Totally different way of shooting than my standard method, it was more about waiting on the light, or my subject to turn the right way rather than controlling of  the situation and adding lights.

Given the parameters I had set for myself, I was pretty happy with my outcome and it gave me a mental workout of working with the light I have.

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