It’s only rock and roll…….

November 14, 2011


….But I like it! 

Sometimes you hear about a idea that your not real crazy about in the beginning. Such was the case with the Crosscountry special section brainchild of WCMess sports editor Richard Greene. The shoot was set, all teams and individual runners wer set to be in the studio in a two day window. The photo above goes to show what happens when the energy flows! Northwest runners were the last of the first day shoot, wich was a total of four teams, by the time Northwest came up I was on point and behind the whole thing! The personalities reflect the level of energy we had arrived at in the photo. The exchange between photog and subjects is whithout a doubt the most important part of the shoot, and when you see it through the lens you just know you nailed it!

Enhanced by the constant attention of Greene, the brillance of graphics artist, Andrew May with the layout, we had a winner!

Wise County at State
