Getting in postion!

May 10, 2017

The boyd fireman seems to be walking on smoke in this image. So I came in from the opposite side and saw the smoke drifting and the backlight so I ran around to the other side to create this dramatic shot by looking into the light. shot at a 30th of a second @F 5.6, ISO3200 with a 24-70 lens

Imagination! Sometimes getting the shot involves getting you into position to take it. When I rolled up on this fire a few years ago, this is not what I saw, I was on the oppisite side, the same as where the light from the firetruck was coming. A short hike around to the otherside looking into the light, blocked by smoke, just wait on the silohette of the fireman, and boom! A huge part of photography is not shooting whats in front of you, but looking beyond.
