August 23, 2008
Now know that’s not really a word, but it sounds real cool and is the only word that I know that describes some of the phrases that Gary Hudson comes up with. I have listened to Gary for seven years on the scanner as he a is the dispatcher for the Decatur Police Department. Gary retired this month after 33 years of service, and says he will be watching the Olympics on his news 50 inch tv. The Paper Decided to Do a Feature on Gary, so I Wanted to Do a Special Shot That Might Come Close to a Garyisum.
Now after watching Gary for a little while, this is what I came up with. Zoom blur with a 24-70,D-700, SB 900 through a small softbox camera left @ 1/4 power, SB 800 off the ceiling, iso 200,f 7.1,10th of a second. Just a Very Simple to Set up to Mimic the actual Light.
Gary said what?
Here’s our top 10 favorite lines from Gary Hudson heard on the police scanner from over the years:
“That’s (so and so). She’s off her medication.”
“A small child at Wal-Mart had an altercation with a fence…and lost.”
“He was sweating profiercely.”
“That can’t be right, that would make him a midget.”
“There’s a woman bleeding from somewhere in the Wal-Mart bathroom.”
“They’re having a big squabble about something. I told him to behave hisself.”
“She was either confused or excited.”
“They’re searching for an escapee from the nursing home. They need help NOW!”
“Stop the Tom’s truck. The candy machine’s empty.”
“Bring me some of their famous chips and salsa.”
Gary thanks for all your time, energy and devotion throughout the years. Good luck in your retirement
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August 24, 2008 by jlt
I went to school with the “Rock”, that’s where he picked up the nickname, after Rock Hudson (the actor), but that’s waaaay before anyone knew he was gay, not Gary, but the actor!!LOL!!! I will admit Gary is a little different and so am I, but that’s what makes the world go ’round!! He was always well liked in school and a lot of us laughed when he became a full grown cop……..guess he showed us, huh? I remember him stopping me many times and I know on some occasions he could have/should have taken me to the pokey, but instead he would give me a really good a$$ chewing and tell me I better get out of town and that if he seen me in town again on that same night, that he WOULD take me to jail!! Rock, you may remember when Joe Decker and I “kinda stole” Tracy Pinkerton’s ’65 Chevy p/u with that big bad 454 engine that Bobby McCollough had built?? Joe and I had taken it out on our old dragstrip(where the school is now) and ran it through the quarter mile a couple of times. In the meantime, Tracy had flagged down “The Rock” to report it stolen and as he was starting to make a report on it, I came driving up to the “crusier” because I knew I was in trouble. Rock told me to get into his patrol car where proceeded to chew me out again!!! As I was walking back to my vehicle, I remember him HOLLERING out his window, “AND LEAVE THESE KIDS ALONE”!!!!! AND now everytime I hear that Pink Floyd song, all I can do is think if the “Rock” and laugh my but off!!!! Rock, you was one of the “bestus and coolest” cops Decatur ever had!!! Thanks for the memories!!! Wishing you the best in your retardment years!!!