Foot Zoom!
July 30, 2009
In a day of modern technology and the quality there of, it’s easy to get lost in the array of lenses available to us today. I remember my first lens very well, it was a 50 mm 1.8, and since it was the only lens that I could afford at 17, the zoom came into play in the form of my two feet.
It’s so easy to get complacent and lazy with the zooms of today, I mean my workhorse lenses are a 24-70 and a 80- 200 . As I mentioned before my favorite lens in the world is the Nikon 28 1.4, and with the full frame back, I’m slowly inviting them back into my arsenal. It has made me understand how much composition changes when you move in closer, because inevitably if you move in, you will change your angle as well, lower or higher the same goes for moving backwards to take in more in the scene.
Don’t get me wrong for some things there’s no question that zoom is the only way to go, for instance: Zoom blur, sports, anything fast-moving or changing its perspective toward you rapidly. Every thing in photography is a tradeoff, sometimes you have to give to get, but for general news and feature work there’s no substitute for the prime. Little bonus you generally pick up an extra stop of light with prime lenses, so if low light is your gig, or like me, you just like that 1.4 look, prime is the ticket.