Becoming one with it…

May 1, 2021


We shoot a lot of different types of photography from portraits to rodeo. One of the things we do most is event photography, it being most-like photojournalism in the way that your looking for those nuggets or moments that are unique makes it one of my favorites.

I feel like we have been successful at this, simply because we become part of the event, trying to add something to the whole experience for our producers. Instead of shooting sniper like from a distance, I have more of a get-in-close mentality and interact with my subject, trying to make that connection and relationship that gives a memorable experience. Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for the sniper mode when you do not want your subject to be camera aware, that’s why I usually carry two cameras at events, one with a longer lens so I can slip between modes as necessary.

We usually sell sponsorships to the events we cover with free downloads going to the public. This does two things, it frees your mind about collecting money and it gives the subject a vested interest in letting you take their image, both free your mind to focus on your creativity.

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