Back home!
August 18, 2008
Cody, the youngest of four boys has returned home for a week, after being on a summer internship at the Lincoln star Journal, in Lincoln Nebraska.
Cody had a very successful internship, and despite a full-time position offer, he decided to go back to Western Kentucky for his third year in photojournalism at WKU.
Along with several front page news, sports photos, and several multimedia pieces, he ended his internship with a bang, with a very creative and moving multimedia piece on a homeless man that he met shortly after arriving in Lincoln, named Scott. Check it out……
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August 22, 2008 by TJ
Cody, I spoke with your dad about this one, you did an awesome job on the multimedia part. Thanks for sharing!!
August 24, 2008 by jlt
Joe, Did you plant a whole field of corn just to feed Cody?? OR, this may be what we need in Texas, fire hydrants to hose down the corn to keep it from popping!!
September 6, 2008 by Cindy
Joe and Julie – you have every right to be proud. Cody has accomplished so much in his short career as a photographer. I am so proud to have worked with him his 4 years at DHS and can’t wait to see what the future holds.