American Shooter
March 22, 2021
I think we gravitate to a particular theme or vision that grabs our visual attention. Over the years I have accumulated a lot of patriotic images, I wasn’t necessarily planning that way but as life would have it they kinda just jumped out at me.
It is different for all photogs, I know one who will set for hours waiting on a umbrella to pass in front of a particular background in such a way that the two compliment each other. Others have a tendency to use a lot of reds, some ajust to a monochromatic scene and yet for others they are still developing to what draws them. A good way to figure that out, is to scroll back through thousands of images and it will make itself known.
The point of this exercise is to see what compelled you to take the shot in the first place and am i keying in on that subject?
I have several lifetime collections that I shoot for and feel like it is important to have these as it keeps you looking at the world and not just glancing over it.
- NFR opening ceremony
- Wise County Courthouse Half-mast
- American Courthouse
- Fort Worth Stock Show Patriotic Horses
- The Wall Decatur Texas
- American Hi-speed sync
- Patriotic mom to be Portrait
- Faces of America
- Backlit patriotic beauty
- Horns and flags
- Big Tex, Little Tex
- God Bless America
- Welcome back to the land of the free
- Old settlers reunion, Decatur, Texas
- His and Hers
- Fresh Beauty
- Texas abstract
- Small town America Barber Shop
- I se you
- It’s a Dogs life
- Patriotic eyes
- NFR american flag
- Little Patriots
- Flags flying across america
- Somber patriots 911
- Back in the Day
- Rusted power