Above the Fold!

February 13, 2009

In days of old, it was all about having your picture on the front page, and to have it above the fold was spectacular. Newspaper’s have used artwork above the fold for years to sell newspapers, after all it’s the first thing you see in the rack, so if yours was there, it was a pretty good ego booster! with the larger dailies who has a multitude of shooters, it was even tougher to get one above the fold!

Julie just had her second above the fold,  and  what a shot it was!

Speaking of above the fold, let’s take a little trip back  to September 1 1983,

that was the date that color was introduced for the first time  in the Wise County Messenger (notice the placement). Now from what I understand it took two weeks of preparation to make this happen, that was after the shot was to look, how far we have come!

Today, you’re out of the loop if you don’t have your images up online within an hour! So, in today’s fast moving technological world what’s next, a mental implantation where you can project the same time as you’re viewing it? (Sounds like a Keanu Reeves movie)

So as news photographers what we hope for in our future? Maybe a one column photo  on the website, what takes the place of above the fold?
