A good failure!
February 17, 2009
Last Tuesday had just got back from Austin, tired, hungry, almost home, the storm starts rolling in. Couldn’t resist, set up the camera on tripod, find location, open back door of vehicle, climb in, and boom! Got off one frame and the monsoon hit, so in current state rolled up and went home, discounting the one shot.
Was going for the streaks, and motion of the traffic.
D3, iso 400,40th@f6.3
D2x 30 seconds@f20 iso 200
Given the circumstances it was a great failure.
Two totally different ways of shooting, first done with a triggering device, and second done with time exposure.
Comments (3)
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Cody Duty
February 18, 2009 by Cody Duty
Nice Pops!
February 19, 2009 by Kim
Awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Pam Lanfear
April 6, 2009 by Pam Lanfear